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Industrial IoT Spotlight

Nov 8, 2022

This week we interviewed Jag Gattu, founder and CEO of UptimeAI. UptimeAI is an artificial intelligence-based plant monitoring software that combines predictive maintenance with explainable failure modes, recommendations, and self-learning workflows to mitigate equipment failures and performance loss in process industries.

In this episode, we talked about the current state of artificial intelligence for system optimization and process manufacturing as we focused on performance degradation and equipment failure. We also discussed the need for energy improvement, efficiency, and long-term sustainability priorities.

Key Questions:

  • What is the value UptimeAI brings to the market?
  • What are areas of confidence and challenges for predictive analytics and system-wide optimization?
  • What are the steps a company should take to provide energy-efficient solutions?
  • How do you see the data availability in the manufacturing industry?