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Industrial IoT Spotlight

Aug 15, 2022

In this episode, we interview Brian Gilmore, director of IoT and Emerging Technology at InfluxData. InfluxData is the creator of InfluxDB, a pioneering time series platform that allows developers to build real-time IoT, analytics, and cloud applications with time-stamped data. They handle massive volumes of data produced by sensors, applications, and systems that change over time. 

Today, we discuss how next-generation databases create new opportunities by enabling organizations to seamlessly integrate real-time IoT data streams with cloud databases. We also dive deep into the relationships between database technology and adjacent innovations in AI, AR, and blockchain.  

Key Questions: 

  • What is the right way to think about “real time” from the perspective of a user? 
  • What are the unique uses of time series data, and what challenges does it present? 
  • How are AI, AR and blockchain being integrated into IoT systems? 
  • What recent database developments are improving management of complex IoT systems?