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Industrial IoT Spotlight

Sep 26, 2022

In this episode, we interviewed Brian Sathianathan, co-founder and CTO of Iterate AI. Iterate AI is a low-code rapid prototyping platform set up in 2013 that helps accelerate innovation projects with large enterprises by developing and employing digital solutions faster using the 465 pre-built software components.


Sep 20, 2022

In this week's episode, we interviewed Taylor Cooper,  CEO of MistyWest. MistyWest is an engineering design consultancy that creates technically complex, intelligent connective devices that accelerate the world's transition to a more sustainable future.

In this talk, we discussed embedded computing, an essential system...

Sep 16, 2022

In this episode, we interviewed Andy Chatham, CEO and Co-founder of DIMO. DIMO is an open platform that connects data producers like cars, consumers and business applications to unlock next-generation mobility services. 

Today, we explored the potential of Web3 as an enabling technology for the automotive industry....

Sep 9, 2022

This week we interviewed Ross Sheil, Senior Vice President of Global Revenue at Infogrid. Infogrid is a mission-based, AI-intelligence-powered platform that gathers and analyzes data from its Internet of Things (IoT) sensor network to drive its mission of making every building healthy, efficient, and sustainable. 
